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Our Campaign’s Focus

Economy, Environment, Education and Equity. The four E's as Chris calls them. We must know what is at stake for the future of our CA 32nd District. The time for positive pragmatic change begins with our policy and accountability.


Pro-Growth Strategies: Supporting policies that stimulate economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness. This includes tax incentives for businesses, investment in infrastructure, and support for emerging industries such as technology and green energy.

Trade and Globalization:Promoting free & fair trade policies that open markets for American businesses while protecting against unfair practices.


School Choice and Charter Schools: Supporting school choice options, including charter schools, while ensuring accountability and quality standards. The focus would be on providing parents with more options and fostering innovation in education.

Public School Improvement: Committing to improving traditional public schools through better funding, enhanced teacher training, and evidence-based reforms

Education Innovation

STEM and Career Readiness: Emphasizing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, as well as career and technical education (CTE) programs that prepare students for high-demand jobs. This includes partnerships with businesses alighn with curricula & workforce needs.

Teacher Support and Development: Investing in professional development and support for teachers.

Energy Policy

Investment in Clean Energy: Supporting the development and deployment of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, as well as next-generation technologies like advanced nuclear power and carbon capture and storage (CCS).

Energy Efficiency: Promoting policies that improve energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, and industry to reduce overall energy consumption

Climate Change

Carbon Pricing: Implementing mechanisms like carbon taxes or cap-and-trade systems to incentivize reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Innovation and Research: Investing in research and development of new technologies that can help reduce emissions and mitigate climate change impacts, such as battery storage, electric vehicles, and smart grid technologies.

Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project

We link the Valley to the Westside through Heavy Rail. World class cities have world class public transportation. High capacity, efficiency, reliability.

Support heavy rail options as the most effective long-term solutions for reducing traffic congestion, lowering emissions, and supporting economic development. Promote sustainable infrastructure.

Veterans Support


Improving and expanding healthcare services for veterans. Support reforms within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to ensure timely and quality healthcare for veterans.

Education and Job Training

This includes support for the GI Bill and other programs aimed at helping veterans transition to civilian life with the skills needed for employment.

Small Business Support

Tax Incentives

Offering tax credits or deductions for small businesses, especially for startup costs.

Implementing progressive tax structures that may provide benefits for smaller enterprises.

Regulatory Relief

Streamlining regulatory processes to reduce the burden on small businesses

Training and Education

Supporting educational initiatives that focus on entrepreneurship and business management


Universal Coverage: Ensuring that every individual has access to healthcare, potentially through a mix of public programs and private insurance options.

Medicare and Medicaid Expansion: Expanding existing public programs like Medicare and Medicaid to cover more people, especially the uninsured and underinsured, while maintaining a role for private insurance.


Innovation and Technology: Investing in healthcare innovation and technology to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs, such as telemedicine, electronic health records, and personalized medicine.

Cost Control Measures: Implementing measures to control healthcare costs, such as negotiating drug prices, promoting preventive care, and reducing administrative overhead.

Housing Development

Encourage the development of more housing, particularly in high-demand areas. This includes reforming zoning laws to allow for higher-density housing, reducing regulatory barriers that impede construction, and promoting mixed-use developments.

Incentivizing Development: They support offering incentives to private developers to build affordable housing units. This can include tax credits &subsidies.

Peace in the Middle East

Two-State Solution: Firmly advocating for a two-state solution as the best means to achieve lasting peace. This involves the establishment of an independent, viable Palestinian state alongside a secure and recognized state of Israel.

Security for Israel: Ensuring Israel's right to defend itself against threats while also promoting measures to enhance regional security and reduce conflict.

Peace in the Middle East

Rights and Statehood for Palestinians: Supporting the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for statehood, self-determination, and human rights. Encouraging the development of democratic governance and institutions in the Palestinian territories.

Humanitarian Assistance: Providing humanitarian aid to Palestinians, especially in Gaza, to alleviate suffering and improve living conditions.

Foreign Policy

Multilateral Diplomacy: Emphasizing diplomacy and engagement with international organizations, alliances (such as NATO), and regional partners to address global issues, promote stability, and prevent conflicts.

Defense & National Security: Maintaining a strong and agile military capable of defending national interests and allies, while prioritizing modernization, innovation, and strategic readiness

College Tuition & Student Debt

Targeted Free Tuition: Offering free tuition at community colleges and possibly public universities for students from low- and middle-income families.

Targeted Debt Relief: Supporting debt forgiveness for borrowers most in need, such as those with low incomes, those in public service jobs, or those who attended predatory or underperforming institutions.

LGBTQ rights and Equality

Protecting and advancing for the rights of the LGBTQ community. Both in the United States and Global LGBTQ Rights. I oppose discrimination against LGBTQ individuals in all forms, including in employment, housing, and public accommodations. We must protect LGBTQ people from discrimination and harassment.

Firearm regulations

We support Universal Background Checks, Closing Gun Sale Loopholes, and implementing red flag laws. The Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), officially known as the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, was a provision of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Let's renew this law as it expired in 2004.

Unhoused and Homelessness

I will propose, support, and vote on legislation aimed at addressing homelessness and providing resources for affordable housing, mental health services, addiction treatment, and other supportive services for unhoused individuals such as job training. Collaboration with local government officials, community organizations.

Reproductive Rights

Supporting a woman’s right to make her own reproductive decisions while advocating for access to family support services and contraception. I believe in protecting the constitutional rights of all citizens and that personal decisions should remain private, free from government interference. Respecting individual freedoms and seeking to minimize government involvement in personal matters.

Immigration Reform

Support the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and propose making it permanent, allowing these individuals to live & work

Creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who are already in the United States. This would include individuals who meet certain criteria, such as having no criminal record, paying taxes, and demonstrating a commitment to American values

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology

Innovation and Technology Development: Recognizing the potential of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies for financial innovation, improving transaction efficiency, and enabling new forms of digital business.

Economic Growth: Encouraging the development of the cryptocurrency sector as a driver of economic growth, job creation, and competitiveness, especially in tech and financial industries.

Paid Family and Medical Leave

Expanding the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to cover more workers and provide financial support during leave periods. Insurance for new parents, and enabling parents to make up missed retirement contributions due to taking leave.

Antisemitism and Islamophobia

I vehemently condemn all forms of bigotry, including Antisemitism and Islamophobia. Hatred and discrimination against any individual or group based on their religious beliefs have no place in our society. We must stand united against prejudice and work towards fostering understanding, respect, and inclusion for all communities.

Criminal Justice Reform

Support comprehensive criminal justice reforms aimed at reducing incarceration and improving the system's fairness and effectiveness. End private prisons due to the negative impacts these facilities can have on inmates and the broader goal of creating a more equitable justice system.

Fight Against Income Inequality

Education and Workforce Development: Improving education and workforce training is imperative. Expanding access to higher education and enhancing vocational training to ensure workers have the skills needed for high-paying jobs.

Raising the Minimum Wage: Increasing the minimum wage to provide a livable income for all workers.

Armenia’s Sovereignty

As a Democratic candidate, I stand in solidarity with the people of Armenia and Artsakh and support their right to self-determination. I condemn the violence and aggression perpetrated by Azerbaijan and call for a peaceful resolution to the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy. It is essential to uphold human rights and ensure the safety and security of all individuals in the region.